More artworks made by Oscarlira

Sketch for excercise 0026
"The black swan" Sketch made with charcoal for anathomy and proportions
Khobe 18 May 2016
You are getting better at tougher challenges and it's a pleasure to watch your technical progress unfold. They say practice makes perfect, I don't know what perfection is in this instance, but I know what relentless practice is. Since the essence of art is repetition, not to get bored with it we must have a real life goal pulling our heart forward. Without this goal at better practicing this art we love. Sad truth is we get bored with ourselves and bore others, meeting death before it's time to go from here. Art is eternal food for the soul.
Oscarlira 20 May 2016
Khobe, of you say that then i will take as a fact, something i May tell you is that even i Now these sketches still have issues but, with all these practicing i have seen some conmon mistakes i used to have in my works, in simple body parts where i was out of proportions, thats why Im trying unusual poses, sometimos i could and sometimes a could not get it, i Heard once that a ches great master Needs to have at least 10,000 hours of experience, Then if we translate to art, it is something similar, all Great masters in art including you have spent Many hours practicing, me for example, spent about 200 hours, that means i May need 50 years of practice to vecino a master. Well those are simple maths, and i dont know how far i may go, i will see. Thanks again, and really i hope you are Healthy again
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