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(Oops, another drawing can be seen behind it.) With tails that can lift their whole body weight, tentacle-like flexible fingers and excellent camouflage, the "crinis lemuri" genus have conquered the forests of planet Vointia. The awokea lives in the sunlit upper layers of the rainforests. Small omnivores, mainly feeds on berries, even poisonous ones, and occasionally tiny animals. Usually doesn't grow larger than 30 cm (12 inches), but their tails can grow 5 times as longer. This tail starts developing inside the membranous eggs, and doesn't stop growing until the animal dies. Their tails can be powerful enough to lift 10 times the body weight of an awokea, undoubtedly the most powerful parts of their body. The tail also provides communication between their kin. The bones of the awokea has disappeared in their hands, feet and tails, equipping them with flexible tentacles, allowing them to grab onto small branches very strongly, and make most activities easier. While walking, they use all four of their limbs, with their fingers curled up and tails in the air. Their manes and green/yellow/teal colors provide an excellent camouflage, which is the only way they can defend themselves. They have very unique ability in their visions. They're capable seeing beyond normal light wave-lengths, allowing them to see through the daily fogs. They can also adjust their vision and "zoom in" and see very far away. Social creatures, living in groups of large families, sometimes reaching over a hundred species in colony. Every colony has a nest made out of twigs, leaves and other suitable materials sticked together with saliva. The bigger the colony is, the bigger the nest gets, as every member has to build at least one "room" for themselves. The rooms are barely connected to each other. A nest is usually a cluster of empty spheres with a hole on their bottoms. These holes, can only be reached using the awokea's tail. Other members of the crinis lemuri genus include: The phaumot, an omnivore, with specialized quadruple jaws, feeding on hard-shelled fruits and other animals, sometimes even awokeas. The gorrax, the largest crinis lemuri, a very tame herbivore, with deteriorated tails, in the forests towards the north. The shriekshade, a predator of tiny animals, that lets out ear-splitting screams when scared or angered. And the barilla, an exclusively carnivorous specimen, and the only crinis lemuri capable of flight. Also with a deteriorated, but not completely useless tail.