More artworks made by Justinnator4

Collete pinup
Owner and ref; This is Collete. I drew yet again for the free art group I joined. I didn't ask her owner what her species is but the ear size implies some sort of fennec fox mixed with something with a short tail. I actually based the arms and lower body off of a swim suit magazine photo. The photo had one knee in the sand and the other out of frame, so I followed in like fashion and put the knees in sand. I also tried a 2 & 1/2 head torso length instead of hap hazardly drawing a 2 head length torso. One detail that might be hard to see is that her eye pupils are heart shaped.
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Oscarlira
Tomas 3 May 2016
Loads of pink^^ pretty cute :)
Justinnator4 3 May 2016
Thanks. Yeah, the owner designed their character with lots of pink. I was the one who picked an outfit that would display all that pink fur.
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