
More artworks made by Porcelainhooded


  • Anonymous 3 May 2016

    Nice technique and colours!

    Porcelainhooded 3 May 2016

    thank you dear

  • Anonymous 3 May 2016

    Wow,... really amazing work. Except for the fact that it's digital it puts me in mind of a great painter named Gustav Klimt. Maybe you should look at some of his later work.

    Porcelainhooded 3 May 2016

    yeah I thought about Klimt when I was doing this

  • Anonymous 3 May 2016

    cool pattern!

    Porcelainhooded 3 May 2016


  • Anonymous 3 May 2016


    Porcelainhooded 13 May 2016

    thank you Anon !

  • Anonymous 2 May 2016

    Interesting use of lines on top of the patterned areas to give the illusion of fabric and pillows. Nice work as a stylized piece. I really like their hair.

    Porcelainhooded 3 May 2016

    thank you very much !

  • Anonymous 2 May 2016

    The markings on the body shapes like the knuckles elbow and cheeks are stylized. They remind me of Disney's Hurculeez

    Porcelainhooded 3 May 2016

    yep maybe I have never thought about Hercule but thank you

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