More artworks made by JesterOfDestiny

Fakemon - Batch#3
Bobofat -> Boborex Laying -> Running Pokemon Type: Ground Often found in deserts, just lounging around, absorbing heat from the sun and storing water inside its fat. But some of them get up and start running around, evolving into Boborex, a fearsome predator. _____________________________________ Strangelus -> Strampy -> Strangelaze Vine -> Pumpkin -> Bushfire pokemon Type: Grass/Fire Strangelus can be found in forests and plains, sometimes dangerously close to wildfires. It searches for burned up animals to feed from them. It evolves into Strampy, who often wanders into human territories, just so it can steal their food and deceive them with its cuteness. Its evolution, Strangelaze will cook its own food, which may or may not be humans. _____________________________________ Polnit -> Pollinit -> Pollfras Pollen -> aroma -> perfume pokemon Type: Grass/fairy A shy and elusive pokemon, that floats in the air in groups and spews tiny seeds into the air, that will hatch into more Polnits. It can evolve into Pollinit, a pokemon that looks like it's constantly sleeping, but is completely aware of its surroundings. It emanates very characteristic smells from it's mouth, each corresponding to its emotions. Pollinit evolves into Pollfras, who can imitate any smell it feels like, then use said smell to different purposes. While it's much larger than any of its previous forms, it can still levitate. _____________________________________ Tatik -> Tatakit -> Taccatier Reproducing -> Aging -> Wilted pokemon Type: Grass/ghost In its first form, Tatik is a very energetic pokemon. Until it evolves into Tatakit and starts spreading its seeds. Once it's done, it will evolve into Taccatier and die. Unless it has an owner, who will keep it alive by caring for it.
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