More artworks made by JesterOfDestiny

Fakemon - batch#1
I'm not even a fan of Pokemon. But I got inspired by Bogleech's Pokemon reviews, so I made a few myself. I don't know how much they fit into the world, or how they'd work. Just a few ideas. ________________________________________ Quidiphant -> Tuluphant Spawn -> Elder pokemon Type: Normal Quidiphant is often seen grazing near the shore. According to some legends, some of them dive deep into the ocean, where they drown. These drowned Quidiphant then turn into Tuluphant and sleep under the sea, until something wakes them up, causing them to rampage all over the shores. If the legends are true or not is debatable, but the Quidiphant does evolve into the fearsome Tuluphant. _______________________________________ Babott -> Baltobot -> Woltobot Core -> Charger -> Reactor pokemon Type: Electric (Woltobot gains the Fighter typing) An artificial pokemon, originally created to power electric devices. But its intelligence was a bit too advanced, meaning it could upgrade itself and gain more and more dangerous forms. _______________________________________ Poicter -> Toxter Radiation pokemon Type: Posion/Ghost A strange and highly toxic pokemon, that constantly drips a green liquid through its sheer-like body. Though Poicter sounds like its sole existence is painful, it's actually a very friendly and easy-going pokemon, who's highly dangerous for its fondness off cuddling. Poicter evolves into Toxter, who only differs in its lessened ability to cuddle. _______________________________________ Nefalo -> Nentilo Brain -> consciousnesses pokemon Type: Psychic Nefalo is very mysterious, because no one knows where it came from. Some say it was grown in a lab from a scientist's disembodied brain, some say it created itself from the most intelligent person's brain. Regardless, Nefalo is an extremely powerful telekinetic pokemon. It evolves into Nentilo, who may or may not be capable of taking over someone else's mind. _______________________________________ Sokpup -> Bonpup -> Infepup Sock -> Stake -> Burning pokemon Type: Fire (Infepup gains the Ghost type) Sokpup is known as one of the most human-friendly pokemon, who's capable of forming simple sentences. This of course changes, once he evolves into Bonpup, as he will be capable of communicating only through painful screaming.... constantly.... forever. Bonpup can evolve into the highly dangerous Infepup, who burns down homes just for its own amusement.
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