More artworks made by Oscarlira

Sketch For excercise 0017
Sketch made in charcoal as an exercise For anathomy And proportions
Challenge: Oscarlira VS katr14
Khobe 30 Apr 2016
It's a good strategy to make the lines in the front darker and the receding ones in the back lighter. This is a tricky pose because of the perspective, you pretty got it down. Now ask yourself how you can make it better? Take the time to observe your reference and compare it to your sketch. As you wait for an illumination before making a move on it, don't think_ make measurements, and wait for your intuitive feeling vision to tell you what to do. If you want your inner master artist in your soul to tell you what to do, you have to give it the time and space to contact your consciousness in it's own way. This sounds crazy but it's not!
Oscarlira 6 May 2016
Thanks again Khobe, it has Been coincidence that my front lines are darker than the back ones. As Im trying to focus in the anathomy and proportions those were done by coincidence, but ill take on this from Now on. Apareciste the time you take to observe and give me feedback, i alterado make some replicas, trying to improve that sketch, i May edit son and post here to see the work, i realy enjoy the perspective, i guess it Gives magic either your drawings or photos, give a very special touch, pleased take care of yourself, i hope to see you soon
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