More artworks made by W-H-E-A-T

For The Grinding
Destiny: The path to the Sunless Cell is scary, the creatures made by the dead are scary, the journey alone is quite scary. But, I believe there is nothing more frightening then these hanging instruments. I thought they might be for balancing the large ship called the Dreadnaught, but then I read a phrase "He grinds them into Kiten for his ships". I remember on Patrol, seeing this instruments hanging by the ceiling and pounding with heavy jerks, and a slow twist before lifting and repeating again. Into pits of darkness and light. Are these the instruments that grind life into death for his ships. There are so many....
Anonymous 27 Apr 2016
I'd like to know more… Impressive.
W-H-E-A-T 27 Apr 2016
I will gladly share more with each picture I take. Danke
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