
More artworks made by W-H-E-A-T


Heart of the Black Garden

Type: photo Uploaded: 2016-04-25


Destiny: Apparently this was the birthplace of darkness, I do not see it.


  • Khobe 25 Apr 2016

    Everything and all life comes from darkness, we couldn't see light without it and light is born from it. It's spiritual materialism that gave darkness a bad name because it cannot control it. When we see darkness as evil, we are only projecting our blindness and ignorance on it. At least 96% of the universe is invisible = darkness. Mysterious and unfathomable beauty.

    W-H-E-A-T 26 Apr 2016

    Most beautiful words Khobe, I am convinced. I cannot wait to share more of this darkness.

  • doubleU-T-F 25 Apr 2016


    W-H-E-A-T 26 Apr 2016


  • Anonymous 25 Apr 2016

    So beautiful place to be The darkness origin

    W-H-E-A-T 25 Apr 2016

    Yes agree, truly such a beautiful place of life cannot be a birthplace of darkness. Above those tall walls are fields of red flowers for miles. I hope to get a photo of that soon.

  • Anonymous 25 Apr 2016

    I dont know what is this but looks wonderful

    W-H-E-A-T 25 Apr 2016

    It's a shrine that held a god once, but yes is designed most beautifully.

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