More artworks made by Justinnator4


Nude Menecric pokemorph

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2016-04-17


The term pokemorph is used to describe and anthropomorphic version of a Pokemon. Owner and reference (also NSFW) ; This is a very rare case where I decide to try a NSFW request. I'm probably not going to do this again anytime soon. The left foot requires assumptions of foreshortening aside from other possible mistakes. I gave the labia a slight cleft at the top since I saw one like it in a magazine. This marks the first time I've drawn female genitals and posted them online. I'm a little surprised I actually did this. The drawing was started from the lower abdomen instead of the head since I tried using direct reference for the bits that would be the hardest to draw until one of the sketches looked like it'd make it. Here's the uncolored step;


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