More artworks made by Ravence-Sketching

Still Life #1
A still life drawing done with vine and compressed charcoal. This was for my Drawing class I am taking currently. Let me know what needs improvement, and what looks good. Thanks!
Khobe 13 Apr 2016
Since you are asking, you seem to have a pretty good eye, beautiful potential and a nice technique. What I would suggest is keep on developing your basic skills and suggest details rather than make them precise across the board. Insist on details only where you want to lead the eye or land in the arrangement. Check out John Singer Sargent, he was one of the greatest masters of this powerful technique.
Ravence-Sketching 13 Apr 2016
Thank you for the comment, I'll definitely have to check that artist out!
Anonymous 13 Apr 2016
Really nice shading technique, I like it pretty much. Background could've been done better, especially at the top right corner, because it's distracting and annoying a little. But yeah U did really good work there, keep it up!
Ravence-Sketching 13 Apr 2016
Thank you! I appreciate you giving me feedback!
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