
More artworks made by Khobe


Live Model

By Khobe
Type: painting Uploaded: 2016-04-12


Painting fine art ink wash live model


  • Oscarlira 13 Apr 2016

    This is The case of paintings where The pose says everything of a Drawing, something That i Must get And It is nature, as Your Modelo Seems in This painting, so natural, no like is stresed. I Thank That i could learn from You And Your paintings

  • Khobe 13 Apr 2016

    When I do a live model session with a water medium, I only sketch with my brush no pencil, because I don't want to waste time changing mediums or hesitate about what I need to do. I start very light and build layers on top of one another darkening slowly. This gives me the opportunity to be loose and precise at the same time. Whatever the medium I use only the master's classical technique. Nothing replaces practicing to accumulate experience, experience brings confidence in practice. It's a virtuous circle.

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