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Phellos's Planet -- Draft
The home planet of another main OC, Phellos. Having been originally destroyed at one time by a common enemy, it was restored by Carina using her god powers. This planet is home to a people with fire-related and energy manipulation abilities. They can manipulate fire, create spheres of energy through which they can freely travel around the world and throughout space (though they rarely do), and have accelerated healing/regeneration (although somewhat limited; they can't usually regenerate severed limbs). Only the Royal Family, of which Phellos was born into (he's the Prince), is capable of phoenix-like regeneration (i.e., rising from the ashes reborn), although the king (Phellos's father) is the only one who's actually done it once. Only the Royal Family is also capable (currently) of using the strongest fire-related and energy attacks, and as such, special techniques are taught among its members. The atmosphere (abundance of oxygen) and high temperatures make it easier for their people to use their energy to make fire and/or combust objects, and as a result, their fire attacks are strongest on their world. Outside of energy manipulation, some of the people of this planet dabble in swordsmanship, especially the Royal Family, which actually combines the two into a mixed fighting style. For example, Phellos can materialize a sword made out of red-colored energy, and he is able use it in multiple ways over time, such as cutting, expanding and contracting its size and shape, and turning it into a super sharp cage while entrapping a foe into it. They do not use their energy manipulation techniques solely for fighting, however. In addition to being a world monarchy, much like on Carina's home planet, they are a somewhat religious and ritualistic people as well as a largely agricultural society, and as such, use their fire-related abilities to aid in growing crops, developing food resources, and (mostly) preparing ritual ceremonies to their somewhat mystical Fire/Phoenix God, of which they've never seen, but strongly believe in. It is through their unified belief in their god that they have a strong sense of community and love for each other, which is why, although they clearly developed styles of combat, they are a peaceful race, and have partly done so in response to conflicts with past invaders. Overall, the main values they all follow is showing love to others, standing firm in what they believe in, and protecting each other when they are faced with danger. In this particular section of the Galaxy/Solar System, their planet houses the fourth strongest race of people (Carina's people being the third strongest race), in terms of average strength anyway. Despite this, this world and most of its people are largely unseen throughout the series, since most of the conflict between characters takes place on Carina's planet and other worlds, in addition to the fact that Phellos's people (much like the US for the beginning portion of World War 2) adopted an isolationist policy, especially after being destroyed along with their entire planet once before by an outside enemy. However, they do let up with this policy slightly over time. That's all the details for now. More details to come on this planet.
NoraKimi 8 Apr 2016
Lol well sort of.. comic book to animated series to perhaps video game. There are a lot of ideas bouncing around in this head lol.
AliceInSpace 7 Apr 2016 this comic idea or...? I love it so much!
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