
More artworks made by Khobe


Bernadka Inkwash

By Khobe
Type: painting Uploaded: 2016-03-29


Live model in inkwash


  • Oscarlira 13 Apr 2016

    As i said always Khobe, its very impresive The way You can get The rigth expresion on Your paintings, so its This case, You make This seem too easy to get That ligth And expresion. So natural

    Khobe 13 Apr 2016

    My secret key is the thorough and constant study of the geometry of anatomy, I don't aim resemblance it's the natural result of correct proportions and angles covered with (tone values) flesh. It took a lot of practice to trust so completely the technique without fear or resistance, to the point I don't have a single thought in my head while I sketch, I'm only a topographic measuring eye. Mastery is not control, it is trust in assimilated experience to push the boundaries with grace.

  • Khobe 11 Apr 2016

    Thanks a lot, this was done very fast straight without a pencil sketch, sometimes I do crazy things without a net like that just to see what will happen. Even if I fail the earth will keep on turning, it's not as if I was jumping from a plane without a parachute. Sometimes we need to take risks with art.

  • bielebny 10 Apr 2016

    Great !

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