More artworks made by Oscarlira

Spidergwen wip 3
Drawing made with pens
Challenge: Oscarlira VS caratulion
Khobe 25 Mar 2016
Definitly shows! Pace yourself within your limits and be patient. You'll come way further and faster by applying yourself in a slow thorough fashion then by rushes and bumps. I'm talking from experience.
Khobe 25 Mar 2016
Proportions are coming along in the right direction a little more with each work. This is my main focus before anything else.
lara 23 Mar 2016
Labai įdomus spalvų pasirinkimas. Tačiau tu moki gražiai pavaizduoti spalvų perėjimus ir jų šešėlius. Aš nesu profesionalė, patarėja, tačiau tavo darbai man labai patinka. Taip kaip tu pieši yra gražu, o kartu ir labai sudėtingas, sunkus darbas tau.
katie_luse 23 Mar 2016
This is awesome! I am not going to lie, I wish I could color with pens like this. I think this is something very hard to master and you are doing a phenomenal job at it! Keep up the good work!
shadowmcfire 23 Mar 2016
it looks great so far
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