More artworks made by themistervolt

Dieter Hallervorden
My pencil portrait of comedian Dieter "Didi" Hallervorden I finished today. It shows him how he looks in the 70s, the time he had been most popular and present in german TV, f.e. "Nonstop Nonsens" or movies in the early 80s ("Didi - der Doppelgänger", "Didi auf vollen Touren", "Didi und die Rache der Enterbten" and so on). In the 90s he was in a cabaret ("Hallervordens Spott Light"), playing in satire sketch about politicians and politics. Very funny. 2014 he was more serious and played together with Till Schweiger in "Honig im Kopf" the character of a senile grandpa...
snakedaemon 1 Mar 2016
nice work
Mutantenfisch 2 Mar 2016
Meine Mutter findet ihn große Klasse. Sehr schöne Zeichnung! Sein Gesichtsausdruck ist super geworden und die wirren Haare erst recht.
pencil recreations 4 Mar 2016
This is classy and very high voltage in clarity and line work lovin your style
Jankovic 1 Mar 2016
nice nice nice nice nice nice work
lizzywhothefunkc 1 Mar 2016
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