More artworks made by Oscarlira

Torso with tatoo WIP 2
Drawing made with pens
trevorp 4 Mar 2016
Nice detailed artwork Oscar :-)
Moca 28 Feb 2016
I'm sorry, I don't think you fully understand what I meant to say. Let me be more specific? \('◒ᴗ◒')/ Surely you know that every time a user of OAC posts an image that he/she must in turn comment and rate a random artwork. Surely you also know that there is an option to opt out of seeing mature content. Since users are forced to view random artworks I was merely suggesting that you should be more careful about inappropriate imagery of semi-nude or "sexy" images for the sake of the younger users who traffic this site, and people's many varying beliefs. Just as much as it is your freedom to draw images like this, it is also to protect people's rights that functions such as the mature content tag was made. Please respect the rights of others proactively. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
SGrahound 28 Feb 2016
Love the tattoo work!
gbz4life 28 Feb 2016
Interesting line work and nice shading on the left with the fabric. Use more realistic proportions to improve the drawing.
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