More artworks made by firozart

(I made the Original art in pencil/ink sometime ago, decided to paint in Photoshop for practice purposes.) The inner struggle of everyone one of us, seeking the balance between good and evil within us. This is the truth of life, there is no one that can harm us more than us, there is no one who can heal us more than us. All dreams come from within, all desires come from within us. Look into the mirror and you will find that everything you seek is within you, and walk the fine line between what you seek and what you are. For in the end there is only one person responsible for your success or failure, which is within you. May you find peace within before finding it elsewhere. By Firozart
Joseph kalys 22 Feb 2016
Very good design and the posture, even theme.
Jahc Hecoviz 22 Feb 2016
Awesome Art!!!!
Anonymous 22 Feb 2016
The balance between the two halves of a face in the background really does give a perfect contrast to the figure in the foreground and gives the right amount of context to the piece.
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