More artworks made by NoraKimi


Carina's Planet -- Draft

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-02-01


Just an idea of what my OC Carina's homeworld looks like. Most of the planet's crust (say about 3/5 or 2/3?) is water. Everyone presently lives on one land mass. Back in the planet's history, the continent was slightly larger, and bits of land shifted from the mainland and formed islands in the water, where mysterious monks were said to live. Then in times closer to the present, those islands somehow sunk into the ocean, and the monk-like civilization was destroyed. The singular continent is divided into three countries: the Upper, Middle, and Lower Country. Each country boasts its own culture, although the Middle Country's culture is partly a mix of that of the Upper and Lower Country. Since about ancient times, there's been civil war between most of the people (not including the monks). The war involved multiple tribes, although it was waged mostly between the two strongest tribes. One tribe gained nobility status and went on to establish a monarchy over the entire planet, while the opposing clan continued to fight for that very status. The clans caught in the middle eventually opted out of the war and settled together in their own country, the Middle Country (which is the largest and most diverse part of the mainland). The Upper Country (literally everywhere on the north end of the continent), is inhabited by the most noble tribes, including the monarch, and is where Carina lives. The Lower Country is where the most of the opposing tribe lives, on the complete opposite end of the continent. They are the poorest country out of all three (though not necessarily destitute). The war ebbs and flows for several decades close to Carina's birth, and it finally ends when she's 21-22 years old. Although the millennia long war finally concluded, and the scars of war started to heal, it was necessarily so; the people were about to face numerous threats from outside their world. Having been granted a mysterious power by chance, the formerly friendless and apprehensive princess Carina would find herself to become her entire world's champion and defender from those who constantly pose a threat to all of her people.


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