More artworks made by Oscarlira

Progresión of My Buble soap work
Showing the step by step of My Buble soap Drawing made with pen
Khobe 28 Jan 2016
I can understand, I am very rarely satisfied with anything I do, though I don't try to make anything perfect because I don't think it can exist as an object, this is an illusion. I only aim to make the magic of art work as in a dream or a hypnotic trance transporting consciousness in more blissful realm. A sacred place where harmony is the guide to human evolution. This is my purposeful craziness and I love it, will I succeed? I don't know but I'd rather devote my life to this than any other kind of craziness.
Khobe 26 Jan 2016
Al subjects are interesting in the eye of an artist. More so a study of transparencies, reflections and optic illusions, they surprisingly always have something to teach us however proficient we become.
ReaperKitten 26 Jan 2016
Cool 0w0
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