
More artworks made by Cyanide4312


Vintage Car Color Study

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2016-01-25


Did this drawing in art class my senior year. We had to draw a reference photo using the grid technique and do value changes based on the colors.


  • Khobe 26 Jan 2016

    This is very a good fine art sketching lesson you have here, my only recommendation would be (take it or leave it)_ eat the grid but don't use it as a crutch, meaning try to see the grid without tracing it, and only trace it very lightly to verify measurements and proportions when in doubt. In a word it's the greatest verification tool to educate your eye, but not to replace it. I do my verifications with a plumb line, it works all the same, but verify I do all the time.

  • didier1961 24 Apr 2016

    good work..............:-)

  • mira_kss 16 Dec 2016

    Nice work! Just try taking a better photo of your artwork so we can really see all the details :)

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