More artworks made by Divea Lapis

Rayman Fanfiction OC: Zaira
Naaah I'm bad in drawing backgrounds >.< This is my own character drawn in Krita. She is the main protagonist in my fanfiction, which I decided to write in Polish on my blog (part of it actually is on deviantart, but it's sooo badly written, don't bother reading it). Her inspiration was Jinx from League of Legends. She often mentioned her sister, so I decided to create her :) In fact I created also story for them, but then I saw Knaareen Desert in Rayman 3 and.... Then the fanfiction happened :)
Silver Lining 20 Jan 2016
The colors blend way too much which makes it hard to focus on the girl. Try you use more contrast and make the lines less blurry
SpencerLepine 20 Jan 2016
I am not any better at digital art then you (I am a new digital artist) and in my opinion this is a goal to be able to paint that well for me, so goo job!
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