More artworks made by Cyanide4312
Old fan art of katherine pierce
kitten_500 8 Mar 2016
The left side of her face looks a bit weird, around the cheek area. Could be the shading that is throwing me off.
pencil recreations 29 Apr 2016
Very nicely done ,your detail is good and it all fits together , face is tilted but eyes are straight,But you like me probably picked that up and as it is an old drawing you have rectified things like that as I have ,love the camio, hair and shading are ok and the dress ruffles fit nicely..all in all quite a well balanced drawing (I checked out who she is on google ....)
Cyanide4312 31 Dec 2020
Thank you so much! Yes, it is quite an old drawing. I've always had such a hard time with accuracy.
M. Milewska 1 Feb 2016
I realy like that work but here is something wrong with the left eye, keep practising :D
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