More artworks made by didier1961


old man showing calendar

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-12-09




  • Jan Spicka 21 Jul 2016

    nice work

    didier1961 21 Jul 2016

    thank you.........:-)

  • Joseph kalys 10 Dec 2015


  • didier1961 10 Dec 2015

    thank you........... :-)

  • Khobe 10 Dec 2015

    Tu excelles plus rapidement que moi dans MS, un autre bon coup.

  • Anonymous 12 Mar 2017

    rly good creation.! :P

    didier1961 12 Mar 2017

    thank you........:---)

  • Anonymous 13 Nov 2016

    Nice idea ;)

    didier1961 13 Nov 2016

    thank you.......... :---)

  • Anonymous 25 Jan 2016

    Very Interesting

  • Sausag3Sponge 9 Dec 2015

    Wonderful art! This looks as if you spent tons of time on it, and you must have. It looks fantastic.

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