More artworks made by willingprey

new life
My first submission woot woot! This is one of my art projects for school. It is an old bleached cow skull resting against the base of a Douglas fir deep in an Oregon Forrest. it is hand drawn using charcoals. Everything in the drawing is native to Oregon. Not to bad for only being 15, Took me about three weeks to finish. I worked really hard on this, so can you please tell me what you think.
xRadioactiveRaindrop 15 Nov 2014
really cool
Eternal Art 26 Sep 2014
I love the skull (I love skulls anyway) but drawing them I find difficult. This is amazing.
Tomas 25 Sep 2014
Amazing! you have gift ;) i really like this work :)
DNLINK 25 Sep 2014
The texture and technique are superb. The monochrome approach to such a macabre and humble theme makes this piece very appealing.
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