More artworks made by TALFIII


Raven Haired Beauty

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-12-05


I'm starting to think I got a thing for chicks winking XD. Anyways if anybody can crtique and tell me ways I can improve that would be much appreciated


  • lewman 5 Dec 2015

    This looks pretty good, i really like the swirling hair. I would say there may need to be a bit more shading on the face but otherwise looks good.

  • Starrbar 6 Dec 2015

    I like the super long hair haha. I haven't used charcoal very much, so I can't give you specific technique ideas for shading with it, but I will suggest possibly looking up tutorials for charcoal shading. Stuff about light sources and human faces could help as well. I hope this helps. ^^ Oh, and her face looks pretty good. Her eyes seem lined up right, and I like her tiny lips lol. My only criticism about the head area is that her neck seems just sliiightly too thick, but it doesn't distract from the enjoyment of the picture. Keep drawing! :)

  • Sammy15 5 Dec 2015

    You could extend the hair with the movement of the wall. Anway, good tone.

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