
More artworks made by snakedaemon


doctor who series 2 #3 the foretold w.i.p 3

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-12-04


  • Crystal Jones 24 Dec 2016

    Great work !!!

  • AliceInSpace 19 Jan 2017

    OOOOOO SHIT this is one of my favorite enemies from Doctor Who omg <3 <3 <3

  • Anonymous 5 Nov 2016

    very awesome

  • HargorSPdate 21 Apr 2016

    impressive! good effect

  • jeirin 10 Dec 2015

    It looks amazing.

  • kitten_500 10 Dec 2015

    The mummy itself looks amazing, but try to cover up the negative space with something so it does not look like just a sketch.

  • dorothy 6 Dec 2015

    cool! really realistic!

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