
More artworks made by Richard J Willis


Favourite pet

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-12-03


Pencil drawing


  • jasondavid 20 Jul 2019

    nice pencil work on toned paper... add some shoulders as the head seems to hang up in the air

  • jaimevalleart 5 Dec 2015

    this is so great !

  • Strovey 13 Dec 2015

    You have captured the nature of this dog perfectly. A great drawing or painting can look like a technical drawing if the artist doesn't do this but this will never apply to you if you create like this every time!

  • edooner 3 Dec 2015

    Incredible job on the fur. The expression is very natural! Those adorable fuzzy ears are my favorite! Amazing!!

  • Slenderhand 3 Dec 2015

    This is really well done. Great work ^^

  • LLLUC 3 Dec 2015

    Wow! looks great! He looks really realisitc :)

  • ikrekhov 3 Dec 2015

    Great values!

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