More artworks made by Fe. Cha


wolverine kills cyclops

By Fe. Cha
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-12-02


very old drawing


  • hubert perron 18 Jul 2016

    well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • snakedaemon 3 Dec 2015

    Nicely done

  • Justinnator4 5 Dec 2015

    I kind of find this morbidly funny.

  • AliceInSpace 2 Dec 2015

    Pretty good!

  • Slenderhand 3 Dec 2015

    Good work :)I like the concept. Maybe you could add some reflections on the clothes and faces and use a dark violet or blue for the shadows (that makes it more lively)

  • CinnaBoo 2 Dec 2015

    Nice bold colors.

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