More artworks made by The-Hanging-Crown

Nothing but a... houndbearthing...
It took me awhile to finish this because I had some issues with my shading technique :\ But my bby is done! I've made a few changes to him, more bear like front paws, thylacine ears and tusks because why not. Art/ Character belong to me DO NOT repost, trace, copy, reference or steal my art or character
Terrix PowerPoint 2 Dec 2015
Good artwork.
Pion 2 Dec 2015
'midtones ,sorry english isn't my native language. You using too much black instead of greys, those transitions can make your picture more realistic.
The-Hanging-Crown 2 Dec 2015
too rare?
ByeongariLee 1 Dec 2015
The animal is so cool... but the drawing in general is too rare.
Anonymous 1 Dec 2015
looks good
Pion 1 Dec 2015
More middle tone can save you ! (Y)
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