More artworks made by Justinnator4

Elite in mad science experiment
This is another request drawing. I was asked to draw someone's elite OC, Kele, with someone else's anthro marten OC, Kate, as a mad scientist doing experiments. This request waited a while since I was on vacation. Owner of Kate the marten; (NSFW, requires an FA account.) Kele the Elite belongs to
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Pandora555
Terrix PowerPoint 2 Dec 2015
Terrix PowerPoint 1 Dec 2015
Good drawing man.
kitten_500 10 Dec 2015
I really like this, but the issue I am having is that I had to look at this picture multiple times to see that the robot is actually strapped onto the table. Try to add more shadow within the piece, and this will look much better. Another problem that I am having is that I cannot really read the female foxes facial expression (might want to exaggerate the face).
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