More artworks made by GerardoGómez


Live music tonight

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-11-30


Acrylic and collage on canvas. 50.7 x 40.5 cm Gerardo Gómez 2015


  • BlueSpiritWolf6 29 Apr 2017

    nice :)

  • hubert perron 15 Mar 2016

    it's great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • VedR1109 10 Dec 2016

    Good work :D

  • LunaJei 7 Feb 2016

    Wow, that looks great. I really like the originality and the numerous details.

  • Anonymous 1 Feb 2016

    Nice idea and great colours

  • Sazdawg 1 Dec 2015

    I love your style! This is awesome and zany and the composition is so cool to look at!

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