More artworks made by Graphiteartist

Oblivion part 2: Help Me!
Oblivion Part 2: Help me! is based on a photograph of a rather ordinary stairway in an English Georgian Era house, but the addition of a girl situated above the stairs gives a whole new, rather unnerving aspect to the scene. Furthermore, I have also attempted to create a dream-like feel to the picture, playing on the limits of our awareness by emphasising the unseen. The girl has been deliberately placed partially in shot and the door has been left open into a pitch black room. It is hinted that something very sinister is going on by the tense pose of the girl and her position above the stairs. Consequently, this all leads to unanswerable questions about what is going on here. Well, I leave that up to the imagination of the viewer. Even as the artist that created this picture, I am not sure what is going here!
Oscarlira 29 Nov 2015
Great drawing, the lines in the stairs accesories aré outstanding
REDtr 13 Dec 2015
sounds interesting :) can't wait to see it.
REDtr 11 Dec 2015
added to my favorites :) this is an awesome piece my friend. perfect details. even the painting on the wall is perfectly drawn.
Sazdawg 1 Dec 2015
So much detail and I can't look away. You have created a very intriguing image- my favourite touch is the photo on the wall. Great work!
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