More artworks made by LittleTitanSlayer
Sasha(and her Potato) - Attack on Titan
I wanted to do some hand pratice, so I drew Sasha eating a potatoe! This was my second attempt to draw a hand, so I'm sorry…
Aerotrack 29 Nov 2015
ahahahh the Queen of Potatoes ;з
didier1961 28 Nov 2015
nice work
ZCSSCraft 28 Nov 2015
Its alright, not the best or worst, but just in the middle. The face seems a little fat, as well as the neck. The eyes also, are a bit lopsided. Like the farthest eye for some reason goes to this slant like its at an angle. The ear is a bit small too. Also don't be sorry, everyone starts somewhere. Best of luck to you!
Anonymous 28 Nov 2015
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