More artworks made by Oscarlira

Getting ready WIP 3
Drawing Being made in pens
Jan Spicka 27 Jan 2016
I am ready:D
Don Art 23 Nov 2015
love it!!!
trevorp 23 Nov 2015
Amazing work Oscar - with lots of intricate detail - looking gr8 so far !!!!
Khobe 29 Nov 2015
By the way I forgot to mention you need to put the same proportional grid over your drawing at the same time, then the differences will jump right at you. When I need to be absolutly exact specially for a portrait commission (the most difficult genre painting because of the mandatory resemblance), I use the grid but also the most secret great masters' weapons which are the plumb line and the mirror. I use these tools to verify and correct my basic sketch but not as crutches because they would impede my skills instead of helping them grow. With practice we integrate these tools in our natural vision, using them only for necessary verification when in doubt.
Khobe 28 Nov 2015
This drawing is a big challenge because you are dealing with perspective shortening of certain elements and this is kind of mind bending. We all tend to replace our strict eye vision with our thoughts about space_ this is where the difficulty lies! What I would recommend to solve this illusion our brain plays on us is_ put a square grid over your model and reassess your proportion measurements, you will observe noticeable differences you will be able to correct easily. This is a great master's technique.
Justinnator4 23 Nov 2015
Awesome coloring and texture on everything. Very awesome. I wander if the arm and it's surrounding armor placement is proportionate to the head size and position. I'm guessing it is, I'd just have to try it myself or see similar reference to understand it better.
LittleTitanSlayer 26 Jan 2016
Love the armor!
nice i love it wow
Anonymous 23 Nov 2015
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