
More artworks made by The Answer


Deep galactic dream

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-11-22


Spraypainted on canvas for my sister and her husband


  • VedR1109 25 Nov 2015

    Space eclipse is coming and We are still standing.Well done.

  • RookNettle 22 Nov 2015

    this is pretty awesome, i just really love it

  • Terrix PowerPoint 23 Nov 2015


  • lenjaminbang 22 Nov 2015

    Wow, very nice answer! Yeah I also never plan anything :P Pictures doesn't have to have a meaning (Is that even grammatical right?^^), they can just be there as they are. But giving them a meaning can be funny as I just noticed :'D Have a nice day (:

  • lenjaminbang 22 Nov 2015

    The sunlight's perfectly done! In a way a drea... - wait a sec; What does the cross mean? Do the birds fly to the city? Does that mean that the city's doomed? ^~^

  • gatofosforito 22 Nov 2015

    wow loveit

  • numer23 22 Nov 2015

    Nice style :-) Great work!

  • Miqdame 22 Nov 2015

    I love the colors combination

  • flamenco 22 Nov 2015


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