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Remember the Alamo....tyrannus

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-11-06


Here's Alamotyrannus brinkmani. The contraversial, unpublished specimen TMM 41436-1, was found in the Ojo Alamo formation which dates to the early Maastrichian. Predating usual t.rex specimens by about 2 million years, we may be looking at a new large taxon of tyrannosaurid, or a coexisting chronospeceis. Or just another specimen of tyrannosaurus rex (it's still very much up to debate) I was obviously inspired by saurian tyrannosaurus rex depiction while making this drawing. Also, given the time period it was found, I decided to depict it as a transitional form of tyrannosaurid between daspletosaurus and tyrannosaurus


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