More artworks made by Jose Higuera

Mc Shopping
The twenty connected works that will comprise the Shopping series tries to be a call to the consciousness in two aspects. Firstly it is the reality reflected on a crystal; where the truth is to be found … the truth that we all know about but that most of us do not appreciate. Secondly it is the history, the past and the present … the past of achievements and improvements that surround our past but are rarely recognized maybe because they have been taken for granted as they were always there for our delight. 120x80 cm. oil on canvas by Jose Higuera
Michelle Nguyen 7 Nov 2015
amazing work!
Khobe 3 Nov 2015
Always had a preference for art founded on philosophical ground and understanding, this is surely the case of your work here. Being the case, please take this with a grain of salt_ I would've titled this McShopping Reflections. My respects.
Riverartist 4 Nov 2015
Iulia 3 Nov 2015
it's a good integration in the historical site
caratulion 3 Nov 2015
NICE !!!!!!!
Anonymous 3 Nov 2015
Good Job
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