More artworks made by sarahriebe
I admit this is not the best piece of work I've ever done. I was going to try for perfection, but it was more fun to just let it all go and not care if the ears are fucked up or the eyes are lopsided or the shading is off.
Don Art 2 Nov 2015
great job!
Joseph kalys 2 Nov 2015
Very nice.
Sterling Jenkins Photography 24 Apr 2016
Looks decent as a fun project. You're right, everything is pretty much off, but I do love the concept. And honestly, if you do this as a "not caring" drawing, I'd love to see how this would turn out if you actually tried! 5 stars.
sarahriebe 26 Apr 2016
Thank you! I agree everything is totally off, I wasn't trying to be anatomically correct. I would definitely like to try doing a drawing similar to this one and putting in way more time than I did with this one. I appreciate your comment :)
Anonymous 2 Nov 2015
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