More artworks made by Joel'sVoid

Friend For A Lifetime (XReader story)
You walk down the street, headphones on, listening to music. You had gotten a new job at a toy store and were really excited about it. When you were little, you really loved all kinds of toys and always dreamed of one day opening a toy store. People say, when you grow up, you'd loose interest in things you liked when you were little, but not you. You sticked to your guns and, everyday since little, studied about toy stores and how to fix toys. You arrived at the store minutes later. "Gabe's Toy Box" You read the golden text on the right window of the store. The frames were a nice turquoise color and the wall was a lighter pastel green. There was also a blue and yellow striped parasol (idk what it's called) on top of the frame, shading you from the burning sun. It was a rather hot day, so it was nice to get somewhere a bit more cool. You push the door open, taking off your headphone, and the chime of a bell was the first thing to welcome you inside. The shop was maybe a bit smaller than average, but it seemed cosy in a way. The floor was made of wood, there were turquoise shelves in the middle with different kind of toys put on them. Against the yellow painted walls there were similar turquoise shelves but with a bunch of books put in neatly. At the opposite end there was a blue counter with the top painted yellow. Behind the counter there was the owner of the shop. You didn't know his name, but because he owned the shop, you figured his name was Gabe. When you were looking for a job on the Internet he had only introduced himself as Mr.Jekyll. You walked through the toy shelves towards the counter and the man behind it, he seemed to be in his mid 20's. He had reddish brown hair, tan skin and was wearing a light blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the shirt was neatly tucked under baggy, black pants. He heard you approach him and looked up, his grey eyes showed under his Auburn bangs. He smiled at you and said, "Hi, what can I getcha?" You smiled back and responded, "Actually, I'm the new worker, (Y/n)." "Oh, right. Welcome, it's always nice to have a helping hand 'round here." He said and probed his hand to lean against the counter. "I'm Jack, Jack Jekyll. Friends call me JJ." He put out his left hand for you to shake. You repeated the gesture and shooke his hand, and looked at him with a puzzled face. "I thought your name was Gabe. You know, 'cause of the name of the store…" Jack let out a laugh and said, "No,no. Gabe was my grandpa's name, Gabe Jekyll. He left the store to me in his will." Your expression turned into a sad one. "Oh…sorry for your loss…" He shook in head slightly. "There's no need for that. He died a long time ago and I said my goodbyes. I'm not one to look back on the pass. Don't get me wrong, I miss him, I do, but…you know..I don't like to think about it." You nod and dismiss the subject, preferring to get to work rather than talk about dead people. "So, what do I start with?" You ask. "You can go stack the boxes in the basement. There's just some toys in them." He said, answering the question you didn't have time to ask. You walk to the passage way next to the counter, about to exit the shop room until Jack called out, "Also! I forgot to mention, the light bulb in the basement is busted, take the flashlight on the chair next to the door. Be careful though, you might run into FeeBee. *Feebie? Who's Feebie?* (I wrote it like that here, cuz that's how you pronounce it. Feebie/Feeby) You thought while walking down the corridor, quickly dismissing it and just thought it might be his dog or something. *He seems like a dog person, so I guess…* You arrive at the door of the basement. Just like Jack had said, there was a chair and a flashlight on the chair. You took the flashlight and opened the heavy door. There was a staircase leading down into the dark abyss of the basement. *I have to wonder, why would JJ keep his dog in a basement that has a heavy door? Hopefully he isn't some kind of sadistic animal torturer…* While thinking, you started to decent, the stairs creaked every time you took a step and added weight to the step. The thought of animal abuse broke your heart. You were an animal lover, you loved every single animal, but you did have a favorite. Bunnies. Anywhere from bunnies to rabbits, it didn't matter, you loved them with all your heart. (Sorry if you don't like bunnies, but bear with me for the sake of the story) It's just something about the little furry cuties that melt your heart. They were so cute, and fluffy, and adorable! Your favorite part of a bunny is its soft, little tail and ears. You were so deep in thought, thinking about little bunny rabbits, that you didn't even notice arriving at the bottom. You click on the flashlight and have a look around. There are boxes everywhere! Does Jack really expect you to stack ALL of them?! You sigh and get to work, better now than never, you think and put the flashlight down, so that it shines light at the boxes. You pick up one of the boxes and put it on top of a box that was against the wall. You repeat this action with other boxes, stacking them on top of each other in a neat wall of boxes. Suddenly, you hear a noise and see the light of the flash light move away from the place where it was. You turn around a see a shape. It looks like a person, a kinda short person. Maybe a child? But why would a child be in a cold basement? You didn't even hear the staircase creak! The person turned and walked to the wall in silence, both nervous to break the quietness of the dusty room. You wondered what the boy was doing until he flipped the light switch and turned on the lights. *I thought JJ said the bulb was busted?!* But what shocked you the most was the boy. When he turned to face you, you gasped. The boy had curly silver hair with blue bunny ears coming out of it and fair skin, though he looked slightly Asian. The boy had a very….interesting wardrobe choice… A hooded shirt which right sleeve was long and dark blue, while the other was shorter and lighter blue and so was the hood. The middle part was slightly turquoise and had a heart stitched on it. He had long, blue-striped hand warmers, baggy dark and lighter blue pants, the right side being a lighter blue and left being a darker shade of blue. His shoes were also different blue colors. You kinda sensed a theme going on with him… But what caught you attention the most was his eyes, or rather eye. His right eye had a white eyepatch, the left being left to reveal his eye color, which was…..well…green…and blue…It wasn't turquoise, but just green and blue. You had never seen anything like it before… "You sure like to stare at people don't you, ma'm?" The weirdly dressed child said with a soft and quiet voice. You blinked, speechless. He was just…so weird…no, weird aas the wrong word. He was unusual. He looked like a doll. Seemingly perfect skin, shiny hair and beautiful eyes. He was, like they say, kawaii… Even with the nearly dead gaze, his eye shined with life. "He's quite cute isn't he?" A familiar voice said. It seemed like Jack had decided to check in on you and came down in to the basement. "(Y/n), this is FeeBee. FeeBee, meet our new friend (Y/n)." "Hi." The boy called FeeBee said. *Oh…so this is "FeeBee"* "Nice to meet you, I guess…" You said, embarrassed by the fact that you indeed were staring at the boy. You hope you didn't offend him. "I'm sorry about freaking out. I don't normally meet people with bunny ears, although they are kinda cute…" You reached out to him and stroked his ear. He flinched and pulled his head back, looking at the ground. "S-sorry…I don't like it when people touch my e-ears.…" He said, his voice almost a whisper. "Oh, my apologies…I shouldn't had…" You said regret clear in your voice. Jack pulled you out of your thoughts with his voice. "Well, how does tea sound? We could talk things over by a cup." "But I haven't finished stacking yet." You protest, not wanting to leave your work undone. "It's ok, it's just a few boxes. I can finish it later." You nod. "Let's get going then, I still have to close the shop for the rest of the day." Jack said and started walking up the stairs. You followed suit, FeeBee close behind while he turned the lights off. This reminded you… "Uhhh…hey, Jack?" You called out. "You can just call me JJ, ok? What is it?" "Right. Uh, I remember you saying that the light bulb in the basement was broken…" "Oh that…yeah, I had originally sent FeeBee down here to fix it and it looked like he had succeeded. He's really good at fixing stuff, you know?" "That's cool. I like to fix things, too. Though my profession is rather fixing toys than light bulbs." You said jokingly. JJ chuckled and opened the door of the basement. "Ladies first~" He said while you stepped out into the hallway. You, JJ and FeeBee sat around a small coffee table in a room next to the basement door. Feebie had made you and JJ some tea, and was now sitting quietly on the chair next to JJ. This puzzled you and asked, "Why doesn't he drink anything?" JJ put his cup down, looked at you and said, "He doesn't drink. Or eat." "How?" "He's…kinda like a human-sized, living toy, or a doll…He doesn't need, or have, any human needs like thirst, hunger and even sleep. If you're wondering, yes, he can do all those things, but just doesn't need to." JJ explained. If you weren't interested before, you sure as hell were now. *A living doll…wow* That was all you could think of, "wow", just wow. You were blown away. You never thought things like this could ever even exist! But you had to wonder… "What's with the eye patch? What happened?" If you looked hard enough, you could see FeeBee tense up a little. He was nervous, that was for sure. He sighed, but didn't say anything. He reached his hands behind his head to untie the eye patch and it fell in his lap. He opened his right eye and you gasped for the xth time that day. His right eye was red and almost robotic. It sent chills down your back, staring at it. It felt like his eye was sucking your soul right out of your body. But you didn't scream. You didn't run away. You stayed there, with JJ and FeeBee, talking and drinking tea. You had fun. That's all that mattered to you. You and FeeBee shared a special bond, a friendship that would last for a lifetime and beyond that. You found out more about him everyday. He was sure full of surprises -------------------------------------- NOTES "FeeBee" is short for Forgotten Bunny. (I had to invent a shorter name for him...) Here's the link to the original story!
Anonymous 30 Oct 2015
Ryan Mehigan 30 Oct 2015
I got lost
Anonymous 30 Oct 2015
I see you try :)
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