More artworks made by didier1961


Terminator Genisys

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-10-29




  • Hill's Beverly Creative 14 Jan 2017

    I like the spot of orange and red in the robot side of the face ! It really stands out (in a subtle and effective way). The colors of piece make the character seem cold and heartless although the expression on the left side has some humanity to it. Keep up the good work !

    didier1961 15 Jan 2017

    thank you sooo mutch.............:--)

  • LadyoftheApocalypse 21 Sep 2016

    Well done and scary!

    didier1961 21 Sep 2016

    thank you..........:-)

  • sinammon28 6 Sep 2017

    Great application work!

    didier1961 7 Sep 2017

    thank you......... ;---)

  • Anonymous 1 Apr 2017

    It looks rly cool.. {:

    didier1961 2 Apr 2017

    thank you.......... ;---)

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