More artworks made by captainlupin


Guardian Gator

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-10-28


Reptiles keep growing until they die. Given that Pokemon are unique creatures, reptilian Pokemon would probably have incredibly extensive lifespans. This would give them chances to grow to incredible sizes if taken care of properly. Riptide would probably live for an extraordinarily long time. And despite Lupin being fully capable of taking care of herself, he still falls back on the Papa Gator habit often enough. Lupin finds it endearing at times, annoying at others, but overall she knows he means well…even if some of his actions are a bit extreme. :P Feraligatr bellies and crests are dull most of the year, but during mating season, they begin to flourish into brighter hues, the better to attract potential mates. An unusual turnabout for captive Feraligatrs--especially those who are used for breeding purposes--is that they mate for life, while in the wild, Feraligatr mate with several others for the duration of mating season. Pokemon belong to Nintendo Art and characters belong to me~


  • Don Art 28 Oct 2015

    very nice! u have my 5 stars!

  • trevorp 28 Oct 2015

    Nice design work with good use of colour also :-)

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