More artworks made by didier1961


Michel Simon

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-10-26




  • BlueSpiritWolf6 14 Jan 2017

    That is amazing

    didier1961 14 Jan 2017

    thank you............... :----)

  • Joseph kalys 27 Oct 2015

    Looks good.

  • Mutantenfisch 8 Feb 2016

    Magnificient portrait. I really like the shading.

  • HenningBlom 24 Mar 2016

    Very well done. Digital art seems very hard to me.

  • Khobe 28 Oct 2015

    Magnifique portrait d'âme de ce grand acteur qu'on ne peut oublier une fois connu.

  • Anonymous 7 Feb 2016

    Interesting work! :)

  • Anonymous 27 Oct 2015

    Awesome work! I don't know who he is, though.

  • LittleTitanSlayer 26 Oct 2015

    Love the way you shade! ^^

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