
More artworks made by VedR1109



Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-10-23


Arcadia a place of natural harmony.


This is a very beautiful and serene painting. I love the soft colors and the sun's rays shining down and reflecting on the water. There is a gentle sense of movement of the water as it flows downhill. It would be a lovely place to sit and reflect!


  • LadyoftheApocalypse 3 Oct 2017

    This is a very beautiful and serene painting. I love the soft colors and the sun's rays shining down and reflecting on the water. There is a gentle sense of movement of the water as it flows downhill. It would be a lovely place to sit and reflect!

    VedR1109 3 Oct 2017

    Thanks!XDDWell I worked very hard to make this painting look more natural and appealing in artistic sanse.I tried to immitate the paintings that were painted in nature and give that effect like this one was really painted on the open,and looking it back it really worked like magic.It is really a lovely place where you can take a rest and reflect,and I hope that Heaven is as nicer is this painting.:)

  • kitten_500 10 Dec 2015

    I love how it looks, nice

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