More artworks made by didier1961


life is b.........

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-10-23




  • hubert perron 26 Oct 2016

    well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    didier1961 27 Oct 2016

    thank you....Hubert......:-)

  • TWINS2 17 Apr 2016

    Great details and style..

    didier1961 17 Apr 2016

    thank you............ :-)

  • rekso69 23 Oct 2015

    very good and attractive style for a graphic novel

  • Justinnator4 26 Oct 2015

    Good art and you'er welcome.

  • rogerkr 5 May 2016

    great work

    didier1961 5 May 2016

    thank you....... :-)

  • Anonymous 23 Oct 2015

    life is boring ?? Always look on the bright side of life. keep drawing!!

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