Got to watch this spider start creating a web, it was pretty cool to witness. Despite my fear of spiders.
Eternal Art 26 Sep 2014
You have photographed this well.
jhowell 25 Sep 2014
Well, spiders can be deadly, depending on the type. I also live in an area that has a ton of spiders of many varieties, including the brown recluse which can do serious damage to someone if they get bit. So I can't really tell you why everyone is scared of them, but I don't like the fact that they run fast and can potentially harm me. But they do make for some pretty awesome photos
Tomas 25 Sep 2014
Why people are so scare of spiders.. they don't do anything bad.. just they look strange that's it.. 5 for this shoot ;)
abel 24 Sep 2014
hey spiders need more love
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