More artworks made by DasCheesenBorgir


Imperial Pride

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-10-23


A friend of mine recently *very* graciously gave me a stylus pen- it was enough to inspire me to install a sketching program on my phone (Autodesk I think) and the first thing I did was whip this together. A sort of... attempt at an 'epic' composition for my first piece, just going all out and throwing together a buncha elements I know I would've screwed up horribly with pencil crayons and paper as before. I figured it'd be only fitting to make it a sort epilogue to another piece I did a while back :) It actually turned out a lot better than I thought it would. Obviously I was a bit nervous going in considering how frigging small a phone screen is, but a little toying around with the zoom got me sketching out the outline pretty quick- finished that in about a night. Doing the coloring took me almost a week between schoolwork and also figuring out a sort of, appropriate manner to do said coloring since this wasn't exactly the pencils I'm used to handling. Kinda just winged it as I went along, the end result actually makes me think of a whiteboard marker drawing of some sorts. The lighting and background is what I'm most meh about, I switched to another tool for the fire and it ended up all icky and globby and kinda out of place with everything else.


  • EmotionalArtist 23 Oct 2015

    This is awesome! For drawing this on a small phone screen you did great.

  • Ivory Noir 23 Oct 2015

    Very nice

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