More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-10-19


merci a une personne que ce reconnaîtra 19-10-2015


  • Jankovic 17 Mar 2016

    I don't like this distorted style.

  • hubert perron 7 Nov 2015

    superbe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • didier1961 20 Oct 2015

    thank you soo mutch ....i like your comments en YOUR drawings hare verry nice too .....thank's again !! :--)

  • didier1961 8 Nov 2015

    thank you soooooo mutch ..... :)

  • Terrix PowerPoint 6 Dec 2015

    no problem.

  • Terrix PowerPoint 5 Dec 2015


  • hgardin 19 Oct 2015

    Very striking with a lot of personality. I've seen a couple of your posts and I really like your caricature style of portrait. It really expresses the character of your subject.

  • Anonymous 10 Oct 2017

    Nicely done.

    didier1961 10 Oct 2017


  • NoraKimi 23 Oct 2015

    Interesting distortion you have there lol

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