More artworks made by Starrbar

Love Triangle
RE-UPLOADED from my dA. From left to right: Jacques (pronounced "j/shockoh"), Angel, and Engine (nick-name). There's a long story to explain how their relationships work and everything they go through, but I don't want to spoil too much yet. So for now, I'll just leave you with this pile of cuddles. Angel is with both Jacques and Engine in this picture (I later decided to change Engine's relationship) because Black Steels are usually polyamorous. Working on Justice Roulette has really helped me expand my open-mindedness and consider different views on life and how people may justify them. So if you're not into polyamory or slavery or anything else, you don't have to be. Just understand that my characters have different beliefs than me and those beliefs depend on how they grew up. And give them a chance to grow. :) Not all Black Steels keep slaves or torture people. Engine grew up on Promuntary Plus with these two, and she's pretty chill as long as she doesn't think you're going to hurt her xD. Also, Angel was created by my friend Amanda. :D Also also, if you can't tell, Engine is a girl. =3
Graphiteartist 20 Oct 2015
nice and striking picture.
Anonymous 19 Oct 2015
very creative. lovely story
Pandora555 19 Oct 2015
cute :3
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