More artworks made by WhiteFox

Greater woodland titanonewt
A creature concept for my webcomic project thing... I've been able to draw this guy precisely once, and never again... ah, well. X3 That's not lighting, they actually are colored black and white like that. Thoughts appreciated. Lore: Standing at a hulking eleven feet tall, The greater woodland titanonewt is a dangerous arboreal predator… They lie in wait, high up in a tree, their lanky limbs camouflaged well among trunks and branches. They drop down onto prey that passes below them, or land then pounce if their quarry doesn’t quite pass directly underneath. The wild population of titanonewts has been in ready decline for quite some time, largely due to the lack of suitable prey, but they’re a favorite of naturalists. They survive well in captivity, as they actually require very little space for a habitat, since they do not need a large territory to range in, needing little more than a decent sized tree and preferably a nearby source of water… that, and an outcropping of rocks in the sun to bask on is enough to keep them quite content. They are, unfortunately, dumber than a bag of hammers, and are not at all domesticated in the slightest. This leads to many fatalities among keepers that forget how dangerous these enormous predators really are. Efforts have been made to crossbreed them with draconic creatures to enhance their intelligence, though the addition of intellect usually makes them incomprehensibly dangerous to keep around. They’re already extremely strong and fast… making them smart is just begging for trouble. It’s bad enough that they already almost have a pair of opposable thumbs on each hand, being zygodactylic. Most of the remaining wild titanonewt population survives by fishing, even though they are not nearly as well adapted to diving for fishas they are to pouncing on land animals. As per most of my work: drawn and inked on paper, black areas filled in and whites touched up digitally.